
Jun 11, 2023Uncategorized0 comments


Innovation Labs

A Sudbury web developer has applauded the impact of a local business innovation scheme, as he seeks to take his new solo venture from strength to strength.

Matt Woodhouse began operating as a freelance developer out of Innovation Labs, a co-working initiative based within the Borehamgate shopping centre, earlier this year, after being laid off from his job in late 2022.

After starting his career at Suffolk-based website production company Infotex, Matt further developed his skills as part of the Scion Coalition Scheme, which included training from senior developers.

However, following his redundancy, he was referred by the Job Centre to Innovation Labs as a platform to get going as a freelancer, by networking with web industry colleagues, and gaining access to new technologies, pitch practice sessions and an accountability club.

“When I lost my job, I was looking for another job in web development, and I told the Job Centre that I wanted to do something freelance to boost my portfolio,” Matt told Suffolk News. “They directed me to Innovation Labs.

“Since I’ve been in there, I’ve had so much advice and pointers, mainly from the other people based at the labs.

“Because there are other small businesses there, it has given me a network of opportunities and enabled me to get work through them.”

Matt currently offers services such as search engine optimisation, repairing broken links and decreasing webpage load times.

His clients include Sustainable Business Magazine, whom he has helped with enhancing their digital profile by improving the user experience and web traffic.

“I know it’s a very slow process and, as a beginner, getting any client is a big win,” he added.

“My aim is to become established, improve my skills further and improve my pipeline, so I can have more of an influx of work.

“I’d like to thank Innovation Labs in Sudbury for supporting me while I start and grow my business.

“The expertise, experience and support I’ve received from other lab members has been invaluable, and I’d recommend anyone looking to start their own business to do so at Innovation Labs.”

To contact Matt, call 07772 416251 or via

To learn more about Innovation Labs, go online to

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